Tuesday, August 27, 2013

September Trickster - Short Story Contest

Trickster Tales

A Short Story Contest

(Word count range is 750-1,000)

 Short Story Contest 


  1. Love it! ~Maggie West Bean

  2. How do I add my story to comment?

  3. You click on "Click here for submissions to SEPTEMBER TRICKSTER in FWG"

    Note: The contest is held for free at Linked In. You can join for free at Linked In, but you'll need to send a request to join the group, FWG (Fiction Writers Guild). Once you are in the group, you can post a story anytime, any month. If you happened to run out to of time this month, please try again next month, and send your request to join early enough to be reviewed. This group is for serious fiction writers only. Thank you for considering to participate in the free monthly contest.
